Installation guide for Virtual SD-Edge in AWS


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This guide aims to provide steps to create Virtual SD-Edge virtualized router using AWS Console

Table of Contents

Some URLs

Product Page in AWS: Virtual SD-Edge (Open Secure Routing)

AWS Documentations:


Login to AWS

Login to and select your desired Location

Creating a VPC

You can create a VPC into which the AMI can be launched for much customization. Alternatively, you can choose default VPC while launching the ec2 instance.

You can create a VPC with a single public subnet by following the steps outlined in Getting started with Amazon VPC.

  • Go to VPC Dashboard → Click on Launch VPC Wizard → Select appropriate VPC Configuration

    In this example, VPC with a Single Public Subnet is chosen.

  • Fill the values according to your requirement. & Click on Create VPC

Select Amazon provided IPv6 CIDR block if you want to enable IPv6

Modifying the default security group

Security groups provide the policies that control traffic flow and access for EC2 instances and instances within a VPC. Refer Security groups for your VPC for more information on Security Groups

Select Security Groups from left panel of VPC → Update the Inbound Rules of your Security Group as per your requirement.

In this screenshot, SSH & Ping from all IPs are enabled.

Obtaining and launching the Virtual SD-Edge AMI

Go to AWS ec2 page & click on Instances & Click Launch Instance

Search for Virtual SD-Edge in the search bar & click on select

Click on continue in the pop-up. Note that only listed instances in this pop-up are supported.

Select the instance Type & Proceed Next to Configure Instance. To understand more about Instance Types, refer Amazon EC2 Instance Types

Select the VPC created & click Next

You may add multiple network interfaces in Network Interfaces option

Once done, click on Next and configure Storage & tags as necessary. Then, go to Configure Security GroupSelect appropriate Security Group & click on Launch. We have selected the existing SG in this example


You must select Create a new Key Pair (or Choose from your existing Key Pairs if you have already
created them) because the Virtual SD-Edge requires public/private key pairs for authentication within
AWS. Enter a name for the key pair in the Enter a name for your key pair field (in this case we entered
R1key). Click the Download your Key Pair. Save the .pem key pair file; SSH uses it to access the Virtual SD-Edge AMI remotely in a later step. You will move to the Launch Instance page

Assigning an AWS elastic IP address to the instance

To understand more about Elastic IPs, refer Elastic IP addresses

Select Elastic IPs in VPC Dashboard

Click on Allocate New IP Addressand choose Amazon's pool of IPv4 addresses

Select the IP Address, click on action & select Associate IP Address

Select the appropriate values according to your need and & click on Associate.


How to Connect?

Click on Connect button to know how to login to the instance, make sure to use tmpuserinstead of default ec2-user


ssh -i "my.pem" tmpuser@<dns/ip address>

Refer Connect to your Linux instance to know more about options in connecting to the instance