Installation guide for Virtual SD-Edge in Azure


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Azure supports multiple ways in which one can install Virtual SD-Edge in Azure

This guide provides steps to create Virtual SD-Edge virtualized router using Azure Cli & Portal in Linux

Table of Content

Before you begin, learn about Azure

Refer the Azure documentation at

Provisioning Virtual SD-Edge

Command Line


  • Install Azure Cli using documentations here

  • Login to azure using az logincommand. Refer this for more options

Code which starts with a $ should be treated as a variable and should be defined prior to the command execution

Ex: location=westus.

Once defined like this, $location can be used

If you are looking for a simple Virtual SD-Edge VM without any additional NICs, you may use below command.

az vm create \ --resource-group $resource_group \ --name $azure_vm_name \ --boot-diagnostics-storage $storage_account \ --location $location \ --size $vm_size \ --authentication-type password \ --admin-username $vm_username \ --admin-password $vm_password \ --image ipinfusion1590066770520:virtual-sd-edge-1-0:plan-virtual-sd-edge-1-0:latest

Create required resources

Create resource group

In the Azure, each resource belongs to a resource group. Resource groups are a grouping of resources that you want to manage together. Skip this step if you would like to utilize existing Resource Group.

For example, it is likely that you will want to manage the NICs, storage account, and VM of a vRouter together, so they should be placed in the same resource group.

A resource group can be created with the Azure CLI using the command as follows

az group create \ --name $resource_group \ --location $location

Refer this for more options

Create storage account

A storage account is required to store your Virtual SD-Edge VM's disk image. If you are creating multiple Virtual SD-Edges to enable high availability, you should also create multiple storage accounts, to avoid having the storage account be a single point of failure.

The name of the storage account must be globally unique within Azure, as it is used as part of the storage account URL. Storage accounts can be created by using command as follows

az storage account create \ --resource-group $resource_group --name $storage_account \ --location $location \ --sku Standard_LRS

Refer this for mote options

Create virtual network & subnets (optional)

If you are deploying Virtual SD-Edge into an existing virtual network & if you are placing all of the NICs of your Virtual SD-Edge in existing subnets, you can skip this step.

A virtual network is given a name and an address space. You can create a virtual network by using command as follows

Virtual Networks & Subnets can be created separately as well, refer Azure documentations on vnet & subnets

Create public IP (optional)

If you want the Virtual SD-Edge to be accessible on the public Internet, you must assign it a public IP address. The following example shows how to create the public IP.

Refer this for more options such as assiging DNS/FQDN for the IP address etc.

Create NICs

The number of NICs that can be attached to your Virtual SD-Edge VM varies depending on the VM size. For more details about the mapping of VM size to maximum number of NICs, see

Each NIC belongs to a subnet and can optionally have a public IP address attached to it. The NIC is always assigned an IP address within your subnet address range, and the Azure infrastructure gateway uses NAT to translate the public IP address to the NIC IP address. In addition, each NIC has an IP-forwarding setting, which tells the Azure fabric whether it should expect this NIC to send packets with a different source IP address than its own. Enable this setting on any vRouter NIC that acts as part of the data path

A NIC can be created by using the azure command as follows

Private IP Address mentioned above can be changed according to the requirement

Refer this for more options

Create a Virtual SD-Edge VM

After creating all the required resources, you can create a Virtual SD-Edge VM. When creating your Virtual SD-Edge VM, it is important to select the correct VM size. DVE supports the Virtual SD-Edge only on F-class VMs. Details of the various VM sizes are available at

The Virtual SD-Edge VM image in Azure does not require a Virtual SD-Edge license to be installed. Instead, you are automatically charged an hourly usage fee for use of the Virtual SD-Edge software.

When creating a VM, specify the NICs that are to be attached to it in a comma-separated list. The first listed NIC is known as the primary NIC. The primary NIC is the NIC over which your default route is reached, and is the only NIC that can have a public IP attached to it.

To create a Virtual SD-Edge VM, use the azure command as follows

Using Azure Portal

  • Search for Virtual SD-Edge in the Market Place

  • Click on Create to create a Virtual SD-EdgeVM

  • Fill out the values accordingly & click on Review & Create and click on Create

  • Click on Go to resource in notification

  • You may find the VM details there.